"...intellect and wisdom, the two most luminous lights ..."
Today's quote claims that intellect and wisdom are Gifts of God to His creatures--Us...
Cultural use can warp many meanings and help folks make mistakes in judgement (and, the current predominant cultures can't seem to own the idea that everyone can use their "intellect" and manifest "wisdom".
Always good to check your dictionary...
Here's "intellect":
"The capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination."
Here's "rational":
"Of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind."
Here's "wisdom":
"The trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight."
I should also add that the use of "man" meaning all people is consistent with English not have an appropriate word. In the original language, the word used doesn't make people see sexual differences...
And, here's the excerpt for today: