Oneness of Humanity
Yesterday I posted about a good friend's comment merging with current events and my past history and politics and a few other things...
Today that friend sent a link to their blog (image over there on the left) that had a link to a poem they'd written about Oneness, plus a link to my post of yesterday.
Right after I'd set myself up to write this post, I quickly checked my e-mail and found the prayer, We Are One, from BeliefNet.
As if that weren't enough to weave the web of synchronicity ever tighter, right after I wrote about that BeliefNet prayer, I checked my e-mail again and found another post from the same friend saying they'd gotten a response to a Google alert which they really didn't want; but, then, they said: "Weird, so I figure its "for" you?"
I hadn't yet told them I was crafting a blog post around their blog post (about my previous blog post...) so the topic of the alert link was astonishing--the exact opposite of Our Human Oneness: Persecution !
Sometimes the rhythm of events seems to underlie the music of the Spheres...