Thursday, March 8, 2007

A Spiritual Mystery . . .

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O.K., help me out here:

Egypt has recently been suspected of persecuting Shi‘ite Muslims.

Egypt has recently been accused of persecuting Baha'is.

Iran has a predominantly Shi‘ite population.

Iran has been persecuting Baha'is.

The Baha'i Faith arose from a transformation of "...a heterodox and seemingly negligible offshoot of the Shaykhi school of the Ithna-'Ashariyyih sect of Shi'ah Islam...".

Is this some kind of Spiritual Merry-Go-Round?

Are certain humans just profoundly perverse?

Are all religions from One God?

Are we really just One Human Family . . . that's horribly dysfunctional?

Is there any end in sight for such madness?

Will prayer and meditation really calm me in the midst of this storm and help me carry on?

I think I'll only answer the last question:
