Sunday, January 27, 2008

"….the universal divine mind..."

There are so many misconceptions floating around about God, His Prophets, and human nature...

It may seem too complex to worry about...

Of course, not knowing the Truth about God, His Prophets, and human nature is the prime reason for all our earthly problems...

"….the universal divine mind, which is beyond nature, is the bounty of the Preexistent Power. This universal mind is divine; it embraces existing realities, and it receives the light of the mysteries of God. It is a conscious power, not a power of investigation and of research.

"The intellectual power of the world of nature is a power of investigation, and by its researches it discovers the realities of beings and the properties of existences; but the heavenly intellectual power, which is beyond nature, embraces things and is cognizant of things, knows them, understands them, is aware of mysteries, realities and divine significations, and is the discoverer of the concealed verities of the Kingdom.

"This divine intellectual power is the special attribute of the Holy Manifestations and the Dawning-places of prophethood; a ray of this light falls upon the mirrors of the hearts of the righteous, and a portion and a share of this power comes to them through the Holy Manifestations."

‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Some Answered Questions, Chapter 58: "The Degree of Knowledge Possessed by Man and the Divine Manifestations", p. 218

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